Just finished making this cute Ice Cream Cone Bib (Baby's Apron)... The colors are vibrant and beautiful. This one is for a little boy, I am in the process of making one for little girls, the same ice cream cones just putting pink on the top.
Great for Birthdays or any celebrations.
I have a matching Apron that I love...
Don't you just love this.
Makes me want to bake some cupcakes and call my grandsons over for a party.
I could not believe when I woke up this morning to read that Dana from Simply you and me awarded me the Sunshine Award. I am so honored! It is my first award as a blogger. Thanks so much Dana!
The Sunshine Award is an award given by bloggers to other bloggers. The recipients of the Sunshine Award are: "Bloggers who positively and creatively inspire others in the blogoshere."
The way the award works is this: Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to them. Answer 10 questions about yourself. Select 10 of your favorite bloggers, link their blogs to your post and let them know they have been awarded the Sunshine Award! Don't forget to copy and paste the award on your blog!
Here we go! Ten questions:
1. Favorite color: Pink
2. Favorite animal: I love all animals!!! I have a yorki-poo named Elle, a cat named Handsome and a quaker parot named Baby.
3. Favorite number: 7
4. Favorite drink: Sweet Tea and Pepsi
5. Facebook or Twitter: Hands-down, Facebook. I spend way too much time there.
6. Good Book or a Good Movie:Good Movie
7. My Passion: My Family
8. Giving or getting presents: Giving for sure!
9. Favorite day of the year: Everyday
10. Favorite flowers: Thats a hard one, I love flowers in general, but if I had to pick I guess it would be pink roses
.Now, for my picks. That was incredibly difficult for me. But, here they are: